Actors Sara Ali Khan and her rumoured ex, Veer Pahariya, recently sparked a buzz among fans after a behind-the-scenes video from the set of their upcoming film Sky Force went viral. In the clip, the two actors were spotted dancing together to an energetic Garhwali song in front of a Buddhist temple. Sara looks stunning in a white saree adorned with floral details, while Veer sports a sharp suit. Both are seen grooving in sync with a group of background dancers.
Sara Ali Khan and Veer Pahariya shoot for their next Sky Force
What are they shooting for?
byu/OkPaleontologist3673 inBollyBlindsNGossip
While the video captured their fun moment, fans had mixed reactions to their chemistry. One fan remarked, “Isn’t he her ex?” Fans have liked the duo together and appreciated their chemistry. Speculation about a possible reconciliation between the two was also rampant. One fan jokingly wrote, “Jahnvi and Sara will be jethani devrani,” in reference to Janhvi Kapoor’s relationship with Shikhar Pahariya.
Veer and Sara go way behind as the duo were rumoured to have dated in the past. The duo were also spotted dancing together at Radhika Merchant and Anant Ambani’s wedding festivities.
This BTS video has left fans eagerly guessing whether it could ignite more romantic rumours, or if it’s merely another playful interaction between two former flames. Sky Force also stars Akshay Kumar and Nimrat Kaur, and is set to release on January 24, 2025.